British Journal of Social Work, 38, 4
* Paradigms and Politics: Understanding Methods Paradigms in an Historical Context: The Case of Social Pedagogy * The Present Finnish Formation of Child Welfare and History * State Social Work: Constructing the Present from Moments in the Past * Humanitarian Narrative: Bodies and Detail in Late-Victorian Social Work * A Tale of Two Reports: Social Work in Scotland from Social Work and the Community (1966) to Changing Lives (2006) * Transatlantic Transfers in Social Work: Contributions of Three Pioneers * City Welfare in the Sway of Eugenics: A Swiss Case Study * Making Refugees: A Historical Discourse Analysis of the Construction of the ‘Refugee’ in US Social Work, 1900–1957 * From Melting Pot to Multiculturalism: The Impact of Racial and Ethnic Diversity on Social Work and Social Justice in the USA