Improving & Safeguarding Social Wellbeing – The Purpose of Social Work (Northern Ireland)

‘Improving and Safeguarding Social Wellbeing – The Purpose of Social Work’ provides a succinct and inclusive summary about the purpose of social work in improving and safeguarding people’s social wellbeing and the value social workers add to people’s lives in Northern Ireland.

This was co-produced by government, social workers and the people they work with and is applicable to all social workers, irrespective of where they work, who they work with or their specific job role and responsibilities.

It will help social workers explain to others what they do in a clear and consistent way and includes:

  • Key areas of social wellbeing that are the focus of social work interventions including: relationships and belonging; independence and responsibility; purpose and meaning; and safe and well.
  • A summary of social work values, characteristics of effective practice, a practice continuum and people’s expectations of social workers.

Download a PDF copy of the new leaflet from the Department Health (NI) website at: