Interactive learning project boosts interest in healthcare careers

‘Hands up for Health’ provides young people with a real sense of what it’s like to work in health and social care using life-like state-of-the-art manikins, set in a hospital simulation centre, to present hard-hitting scenarios such as alcohol poisoning, pregnancy and knife trauma.

Hands Up For Health is an innovative interactive learning experience delivered at the Simulation and Interactive Learning Centre at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in London, designed for young people at risk of social and economic disadvantage.

More than 500 children and young people (aged 9–24 years) have participated and evaluation shows participants achieve the learning outcome and find it valuable. The input of healthcare facilitators, who positively influenced their learning and attitudes toward healthcare careers, resulted in a 43% increase in the number of young people considering careers in healthcare after participation.

The aim is to prompt, promote and enhance students’ interest in science and healthcare as a route to career; to empower and instil confidence and teamwork skills; and making students think about their life choices.

For more on the project and to see what courses are available, visit: