Workforce Unit develops Continuous Learning Framework (CLF) audit tool

In 2009, the Workforce Unit assisted 8 small and medium sized organisations (SMEs) to undertake an “audit” against the organisational capabilities identified in the Continuous Learning Framework.

The audit focused particularly on “planning for learning, development and improved practice” through which they were able to identify priorities for future development.

They are now able to offer the tool out to the wider sector.

This self assessment audit tool will help your organisation identify a baseline for how it is performing in relation to “planning for learning, development and improved practice”, which is one of the 6 organisational capabilities outlined in the framework.

The Workforce Unit have chosen to focus on this capability as they think that it is a good place to start if you are looking for a route in to using the continuous learning framework within your organisation.

Visit the sharing practice section of their website for at a glance guidance on how to use the tool, and step-by-step instructions. If you would like any further information, email: [email protected]

View and listen to a general presentation about the Continuous Learning Framework here.