Funding of Skills for Health e-Learning provision withdrawn
Skills for Health has announced that national funding for their e-learning provision will cease on the 31st March 2015 and they are now required to charge users directly for this after this date.
As of 1st April, 2015, the skills agency say they will be required to charge for its e-learning provision at its standard e-learning pricing structure.
In a news release today, Skills For Heath, said: “Health Education England and Skills for Health have discussed a range of potential actions which could be taken to mitigate the impact of this for NHS providers.
“As a positive result of those discussions, Skills for Health have made provisions where we will be able to offer heavily discounted rates to our high volume users.
“We are currently in the process of contacting all users to discuss how we can manage this transition together and ensure organisations maintain “business as usual” as far as is possible, allowing users to continue accessing our trusted, high quality e-learning.
“Health Education England will continue to explore whether there are any further mitigating actions that they can take.”
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