Learning Disability courses in Cardiff and Swansea
Learning Disability Wales, the charity representing the learning disability sector in Wales, has announced details of some courses taking place in the new year.
Communicating Through Touch
15 January 2014 in Cardiff
A workshop to help those that care for someone with an Autism Spectrum Disorder or learning disabilities use touch to help communication, relaxation and the relief of stress and anxiety. This session will provide tools that carers and parents can use in everyday situations.
This course is accredited by Agored Cymru and counts as one unit at level one on the Qualification and Curriculum Framework. You can have your work assessed by the tutor, successful learners will be awarded a Credit for their learning.
Please click on the links below for more information.
An Introduction to Mindfulness and how it can be used with Person Centred Planning
20 January 2014 in Swansea
A one day course introducing Mindfulness as a way of supporting people who have learning disabilities, their families and others who provide support to find new ways of coping with and managing stress.
Course aims:
This course focusses on how we can use Mindfulness within our own lives as well as a way of supporting other people. This course looks into how we cope with stress and how we can use Mindfulness to help reduce the impact it has on our lives and of the people around us. Person Centred Planning will be explored as a way of supporting people who have a learning disability to be able to use Mindfulness in a way that most makes sense to them. The course will demonstrate how Mindfulness can be a useful skill when supporting anyone with a learning disability.
Please click on the links below for more information.
Positive Ways of Changing Behaviour
29 January 2014 in Cardiff
A one day course to help you understand the reasons for what is seen as difficult or challenging behaviours of people with an
Autism Spectrum Disorder and how you can work in a positive way to help change these behaviours.
Course aims: This course will help better understand ‘difficult’ or ‘challenging behaviour’ in people with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and positive ways to help change these behaviours.
Please click on the links below for more information.
If you would like further information check their website http://www.learningdisabilitywales.org.uk/diary.php