Ethnicity and alcohol: a review of the UK literature
This review explores differences in drinking patterns by ethnicity and the cultural and social contexts around alcohol use
Read MoreThis review explores differences in drinking patterns by ethnicity and the cultural and social contexts around alcohol use
Read MorePutting People First recognises that person-centred planning and self directed support are central to delivering personalisation and maximising choice and control. This guide outlines ways to achieve this.
Read MoreThis report provides details of the level of investment in mental health services for working age adults aged 18 to 64 in England for 2009-10 and compares it with the
Read MoreScottish Governemnt Evaluation of a regional pilot focussing on the delivery of Return Home Welfare Interviews for young runaways. The overall aim of this evaluation was to explore the most
Read MoreThis rapid evidence assessment of the published research literature is part of the Tackling Demand for Prostitution Review (Home Office, 2008a), which aimed to assess what further action the Government
Read MoreThe purpose of this circular is to provide updated practice guidance for those organisations and personnel directly involved in the home leave process for prisoners. This circular supersedes Circular No.
Read MoreThis document looks at the scope for improving the efficiency of the acute care pathway in adult mental health, while maximising quality.
Read MoreSkills for Scotland (2007) committed to undertake work which would look at offender learning as a whole in Scotland, with the aim of providing a more streamlined and improved learning
Read MoreAn easy read guide of the Scottish Government publication ‘With Inclusion in Mind: The local authority’s role in promoting wellbeing and social development: Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act
Read MoreThe rising tide of destitution is often being caused by Britain’s chaotic asylum system either denying them support or limiting them to an amount that is internationally recognised as being
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