The framework for Social Work education in Scotland
The Framework is made up of the Scottish Requirements for Social Work Training, an Introduction to the Standards in Social Work Education and the Standards in Social Work Education.
Read MoreThe Framework is made up of the Scottish Requirements for Social Work Training, an Introduction to the Standards in Social Work Education and the Standards in Social Work Education.
Read MorePurpose: To provide a comprehensive and summary briefing on the legislation relevant to social work in Scotland.
Read MoreAs the first stage of the person centred approaches and adult placement project, a synthesis of findings from selected literature about adult placement was commissioned by SCIE in August 2004.
Read MoreThis report looks at the difficulties service users face in being paid for their contribution to reviewing, planning and developing services and the difficulties payments cause with the benefits system.
Read MoreThe Future of Unpaid Care in Scotland: Headline Report and Recommendations The recommendations of a research project on the future of unpaid care in Scotland.
Read MorePurpose: To compare and contrast any differences and similarities in overall social services and service specific spending per head of population within the different nations of the United Kingdom, and
Read MoreThis report demonstrates how the review process can be extended to a synthesis of qualitative studies using the example of older people’s views on hospital discharge.
Read MoreFormal response to recommendations made in the Care 21 report: The Future of Unpaid Care in Scotland, identifying early priorities and outlining a ten year agenda to improve the lives
Read MoreThe evidence base underpinning social care practice is not as robust as that in other areas. In this report SCIE compares the research infrastructure supporting social care with that of
Read MoreThis resource guide provides information about how the legislation on direct payments can successfully be applied to achieve positive outcomes for service users. It covers what we know is working
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