Advances In Social Work, 9, 2
* A Multiparadigmatic Approach to Religion in Social Work Education * The Generalist Model: Where do the Micro and Macro Converge? * Developing an Online Social Work Practice Course Segment:
Read More* A Multiparadigmatic Approach to Religion in Social Work Education * The Generalist Model: Where do the Micro and Macro Converge? * Developing an Online Social Work Practice Course Segment:
Read MoreThis publication is a summary report that brings together statistics produced by a range of agencies relating to the experience of women within the criminal justice system.
Read MoreThis report evaluates the provision of learning and skills for offenders on short custodial sentences. The findings are based upon survey visits to 19 prisons and an analysis of the
Read More* Therapeutic community drug treatment success in Peru: a follow-up outcome study * Short scales to assess cannabis-related problems: a review of psychometric properties * The development of multiple drug
Read MoreThis guide will provide commissioners of health and social care services with information and support they need to embed personalised care planning in their localities. This should ensure that people
Read MoreTo review current arrangements for the engagement of older people and how these arrangements influence policy at all levels of government, and specifically to review Better Government for Older People
Read MoreThis report evaluates the provision of learning and skills for offenders on long custodial sentences. The findings are based upon survey visits to 19 prisons and an analysis of the
Read MoreValuing people now sets out the Government’s strategy for people with learning disabilities for the next three years following consultation. It also responds to the main recommendations in Healthcare for
Read MoreThe Child Well-being Index (CWI) represents the first attempt to create a small area index exclusively for children in England. Unlike the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), the CWI was
Read MoreThis is the Commission for Social Care Inspection’s fourth and final report on the state of social care in England. The first part of the report sets out detailed information
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