DCFS: Your kids and alcohol
This leaflet sets out to answer questions parents and their children may have about alcohol and offers advice and help to parents on how best to approach their children regarding
Read MoreThis leaflet sets out to answer questions parents and their children may have about alcohol and offers advice and help to parents on how best to approach their children regarding
Read MoreIn this report we provide a snapshot of the harassment and violence that women students have faced whilst they have been at their current institution. The picture that we have
Read MoreThe Social Care Institute for Excellence updates guidance on delivering personalisation in adult social care These e-Learning resources are freely available to all. They provide audio, video and interactive technology
Read MoreThis research report examines the results of a study evaluating 16 pilots in a variety of locations in England to allow lead professionals working with children and young people with
Read MoreThis research provides a rapid evidence assessment of the evidence base for preventing violent extremism through community interventions. It focuses on the most relevant evidence in order to identify which
Read MoreIn recognition of widespread concern about the over-prescription of anti-psychotic drugs, and as part of the priority being given to improving care for people with dementia, Professor Sube Banerjee was
Read MoreThis is an independent review by psychologist Dr Linda Papadopoulos into the sexualisation of young people. Commissioned by the Home Office, the review forms part of the government’s strategy to
Read MoreThis report presents statistics on proven offending by individuals identified as Class A drug- misusing offenders.
Read MoreThis consultation – on possible reforms to the rule against double jeopardy in Scottish criminal cases – follows on from the Scottish Law Commission’s Report on Double Jeopardy, published in
Read MoreBrings together four years of groundbreaking work based on in-depth pilots – from teaching resilience to children in schools to promoting neighbourliness – with three councils in very different areas
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