Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives: The strategy for adults with autism in England
This strategy sets a clear framework for all mainstream services across the public sector to work together for adults with autism.
Read MoreThis strategy sets a clear framework for all mainstream services across the public sector to work together for adults with autism.
Read MoreThis is the evaluation report of the second phase of Choose Life, the national suicide prevention strategy. It sets out progress on the aims of choose life and makes recommendations
Read MoreThis document presents the outcomes of a review and scoping study that aimed to provide a more in-depth understanding of what is meant by ‘earlier intervention’ (defined as intervening early
Read MoreIt is essential that both the UK Government and devolved administrations play a proactive role in promoting awareness of the UNCRC. Every child and young person across the UK must
Read MoreThis is a set of nine regional factsheets on carers produced by the Centre for International Research on Care, Labour and Equalities at Leeds University. They include data on the
Read MoreThe study identifies and describes the issues facing Self-directed Support users as employers and the Personal Assistants they employ. It also assesses their training and support needs.
Read MoreThe violence against women and girls advisory group has considered how current strands of DCSF work with schools can be most effectively harnessed to maximise impact. The group considered specific
Read MoreThis document presents the outcomes of a review and scoping study that aimed to provide a more in-depth understanding of what is meant by ‘earlier intervention’ (defined as intervening early
Read MoreThe research addresses both recent changes to the Rules (April 2009) permitting media into family hearings, and further issues raised by aspects of Part 2 of the Children, Schools and
Read More‘Below the Breadline’ is Barnardo’s pioneering research project into the experiences and events that shape the lives of families living in poverty. The study spent a year following 16 families
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