Many Charities Struggling To Work With The NHS, Report Finds
Charities trying to tackle some of Scotland’s worst health problems say they are struggling to work productively with the NHS.
A survey published today reveals almost 40% find it difficult to assist the Scottish health service, even though services are stretched and partnership working is required by law.
One organisation spoke of the NHS paying “lip service” to the voluntary sector.
Another said they were locked in a power battle with public bodies because of shortages of funding.
Voluntary Health Scotland, which represents more than 300 voluntary and community groups, commissioned the research. Well-known bodies including the British Red Cross, Barnardo’s and Age Concern Scotland took part.
The study focused on the drive to improve the health of the population and keep people out of hospital. This is the principal aim of Community Health Partnerships (CHPs), which bring together NHS, council and other workers in an area to manage community health care.
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