Britian ‘A Police State For Muslims’
One of the nine men arrested under anti-terror laws has described Britain as a “police state” for Muslims. Abu Bakr, one of two suspects released by West Midlands Police, said he was “taken aback” when he learned of the alleged plot to behead a Muslim soldier.
{mosimage}”It’s a police state for Muslims, it’s not a police state for everyone else, because these terror laws are designed specifically for Muslims. That’s quite an open fact because the people who have been arrested under terrorism laws, the groups for example that have been banned under the terrorism laws, the people that have been affected by terrorism legislation, have been Muslims.
“So we are feeling the brunt of it all. We are the ones that are being locked up, detained, and then told go back to our lives.” In an interview on BBC2’s Newsnight, Mr Bakr said the episode would live with him for the rest of his life. “I’m scared for myself and my family, because I’ve been picked up and told to go back home and everyone is assuming someone can pick up their life after such a major incident that occurs. And, you know, this is going to affect me for the rest of my life.”
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