Inactive Lifestyles Costs UK Health Service £1 billion Per Year
Physical inactivity costs the UK health service in excess of £1 billion every year, suggests research in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
Read MorePhysical inactivity costs the UK health service in excess of £1 billion every year, suggests research in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
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Read MoreNHS staff have reported low morale and bullying are widespread in the service despite record levels of investment. A snapshot of opinion among the Scottish workforce revealed the majority do not feel involved in decisions that affect them and would not recommend the NHS as an employer.
Read MoreThousands of patients in Ulster hospitals face the “acute embarrassment and discomfort” of being treated on mixed sex wards. Labour ministers were last night accused of failing to deliver a flagship health pledge in Ulster, after new figures revealed there are 231 mixed sex wards in the province’s hospitals.
Read MoreEighteen of Burnley’s most anti-social families are to be given intensive help in a bid to stop them causing misery in communities in the area. The Family Intervention Programme, which makes up part of the Home Office-funded Respect scheme, works with families on the verge of being made homeless because of their behaviour.
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