Carers ‘Romped While Looking After Child Sex Charge Teenager’ Claim
CARERS have been accused of having sex while they were supposed to be looking after an alleged teenage pervert at a £1000-a-day home.
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CARERS have been accused of having sex while they were supposed to be looking after an alleged teenage pervert at a £1000-a-day home.
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A PATIENT from a psychiatric hospital has gone missing in Edinburgh. Stephen Larnder, 42, an in-patient at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, which offers treatment for acute mental health conditions, was reported missing yesterday.
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The Royal College of Nursing says the number of excess hours being worked by nurses must be addressed by the assembly government.
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Elderly people are being treated like inmates in prison by uncaring nurses, Sir Michael Parkinson has claimed, as he promotes a drive to ensure patients live with dignity and respect in hospitals and care homes.
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A north-east home for the disabled and elderly has been forced to halt its intake of residents after a damning inspection uncovered “significant failings” in its provision of care.
Care Commission Scotland said it took the “serious step” after its inspectors discovered Kingsmead Nursing Home near Aberdeen had not achieved the “minimum standards” in a number of key areas. Enforcement action at the Kingswells home, which houses around 65 residents, has now been taken by the Care Commission and an improvement notice has been issued.
Among the most shocking findings from the inspection is Kingsmead’s staff’s alleged failure to maintain standards of cleanliness and hygiene. Also highlighted is an apparent failure to provide arrangements to support residents with “hydration needs”.
The management is also scrutinised.
The Kingswood Drive home is operated by Mead Medical Holdings, whose offices are in Commercial House, Rubislaw Terrace, Aberdeen.
Read MoreSHERIFF Drummond’s criticism has come just months after the Scottish Government unveiled plans to release more criminals to ease pressure on jails, despite claims this would undermine faith in sentencing.
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The Department of Health is launching the first stage of a £10m drive to tackle binge drinking with a TV campaign about the units of alcohol in different drinks.
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A fragment of bone which prompted the extensive excavation of a children’s care home in Jersey has been ruled out of the island’s abuse investigation after scientists concluded it may only be a piece of wood.
The find at Haut de la Garenne on February 23 led to the discovery of four secret cellars – known as punishment rooms – beneath the home and evidence including children’s teeth, blood stained items and shackles.
The States of Jersey Police launched a murder investigation, more than 100 people came forward to report abuse dating back to the 1950s and excavation at the property is still taking place.
But the first physical evidence in the 18-month long investigation – described in the early stages as part of a human skull – now looks to be irrelevant to the inquiry.
Lenny Harper, the senior investigating officer on the case, insisted the development did not affect the police investigation.
Read MoreAdult social care, on which the Prime Minister has just launched a public consultation, is widely considered a financial timebomb. A postcode lottery, social care for the elderly and vulnerable is both expensive (£13bn) and bad.
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Charities and legal campaigners yesterday attacked a court ruling, claiming it would limit the choice of school for parents of children with severe learning difficulties.
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