The Care Quality Commission is not proposing any fee increases next year and has admitted it lacks both the data and business models to make any radical changes to its charging scheme in the near future.
A dedicated family unit is to be set up to co-ordinate intensive support for troubled families across central government departments, CYP Now has learned. The unit is a key part of David Cameron’s bid to transform the lives of the 120,000 most troubled families by 2015.
Health bosses say that closing a mental health unit will cost them £5m. The centre, near Oxford Road, provides care for up 82 patients with conditions including dementia and bipolar disorder.
Middle-class women are increasingly falling victim to domestic abuse as economic strains bring violence into professional households, experts have warned.
Multi-agency youth offending teams (YOTs) have been left bereft of their statutory partners due to funding cuts, while youth justice chiefs overwhelmingly oppose the decision to scrap the Youth Justice Board, a CYP Now survey has revealed.
STAFF at a nursing home accused of neglecting an elderly patient from Sutton Bridge, who died of dehydration, were cleared on Friday when the trial collapsed.