Orchid View care home staff arrested over neglect
Two staff members at a West Sussex care home have been questioned by police about the mistreatment of residents.
Two staff members at a West Sussex care home have been questioned by police about the mistreatment of residents.
Silverton Short Breaks look for locals to vote so they can continue to provides respite care to children with disabilities
As the new levels for the national minimum wage are introduced, Panorama discovers that many British workers are still being paid much less than the law states and finds the problem particularly acute in the care work sector.
Nearly 3,000 people in Lincolnshire are expected to be affected by cuts in social care services for adults.
MORE than 1,000 council workers in Southampton will tomorrow take part in the largest strike yet over pay cuts after council chiefs lifted a threat of dismissal.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) chair Dame Jo Williams has said that she saw no prospect of the commission’s ‘excellence award’ scheme going ahead after it had received a “universal thumbs down” by provider bodies.
Housing and social care charity MHA has taken over the leases for 18 former Southern Cross care homes, while Mencap has taken over seven.
SUFFOLK has become the first county in the country to put social workers in the driving seat when it comes to delivering services to adults with sensory impairments through a newly formed local company, Sensing Change.
HARINGEY Council has reversed a decision to close some of its day centres for older people in a victory for campaigners.