Calls for more support for former carers in Cornwall
A charity has claimed the government is not doing enough for hundreds of former carers in Cornwall.
A charity has claimed the government is not doing enough for hundreds of former carers in Cornwall.
More than 50 children have been trafficked into the UK this year for the purpose of sexual exploitation, a report by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (Ceop) Centre has revealed.
The abolition of star ratings for care homes and homecare services is now being called into question, as there’s no way of knowing which services are better than others
Liverpool City Council has awarded a contract to support people from the BME community who suffer domestic violence to Amadudu.
A home care provider run by Kensington and Chelsea Council has been put into liquidation, costing taxpayers nearly £300,000.
After promising last year to end child detention in failed asylum cases – and closing the notorious Yarl’s Wood unit – the government opened a smart new centre for deportees. But isn’t this still detention?
A NURSE at a children’s care unit has gone before a misconduct hearing after a series of incidents at the home.
Plans for two new buildings to accommodate young adults with autistic spectrum disorders at Bangeston Hall moved a step closer to being approved last week.
JUST 12 babies were adopted by new families in Scotland last year, despite hundreds being in care. Child-care experts have blamed the situation on red tape, branding the system “slow and bureaucratic”.
AN expert in social services is set to take over the reins at Swansea Council. Phil Hodgson has been appointed corporate director of social services in the authority.