CSSIW Inspectors report significant improvement in Cardiff’s children’s services

The City of Cardiff Council has welcomed the findings of the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) inspection of Children’s Services published last week.

The Inspectorate has found significant improvement since its last inspection in 2014 and the report makes recommendations to ensure this improvement continues. It has reported finding evidence of a clear strategic direction, led effectively by the Director of Social Services. Staff morale is seen as generally positive and the number of vacancies has fallen since 2014/15, when 31 per cent of posts were unfilled.

CSSIW inspectors also confirmed that the needs of the child are kept at the forefront of assessments, work is appropriately undertaken to help keep them safe, families supported to keep children safe and child protection procedures are well understood by staff. As a result of social work intervention, outcomes for children and young people are found to be improving.

Leader of the City of Cardiff Council, Cllr Phil Bale, said: “I’m delighted to see this report clearly recognises the good work that is being carried out by our Children’s Services team. It’s especially welcome following on, as it does, from the WAO report which also highlighted the positive changes we are making for all our citizens.

“These are incredibly difficult times for the public sector. In Cardiff we are faced with increased demand for our services from a growing population while we have to make millions in savings every year. We are meeting these challenges head on and I hope these reports and news on the City Deal will help residents see that we are delivering for them.”

Commenting on the report, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Early Years, Children and Families, Sue Lent said: “This was a major test for the Council, coming two years after the last Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales visit, when Children’s Services was in a much less robust position. I welcome the findings of the report which reflect the positive effects of our two year strategic journey and confirm the areas we are focussing on to ensure this significant improvement continues.

“As the inspectorate has said, we have strong corporate support for Children’s Services and a common understanding of the direction and drive needed to ensure the wellbeing of our children and young people. We are all pulling in the right direction to make sure that the hard work continues and we meet the Council’s stated priority to support vulnerable people.

“This inspection report gives us confidence for the future as we take staff and partners with us through a period of sustained improvement, effectively prepare for the implementation of the Social Services and Wellbeing Act and secure better outcomes for the children and young people of Cardiff.”

CSSIW visited the local authority in January and its inspection centred around five themes: Providing Direction; Delivering Social Services; Shaping Services; Access Arrangements; Assessment Care Management. The inspectors looked at the City Council’s access arrangements for children and young people and their families, either referred to the authority for care and support, or where information was received about children’s wellbeing.

Performance management was found to be well embedded and a detailed quality assurance framework had been developed. Managers and Social Workers were optimistic about plans for improving early preventative services and there is evidence of good strategic preparation for the implementation of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.

Cllr Sue Lent added: “The recommendations from the CSSIW are clear and we will continue to work corporately, as an organisation, and with our partners to focus on those areas it identifies as requiring further improvement.”

The CSSIW’s report also includes quotes from members of staff. One team leader said: “Staff are getting on well with the day job, with a strong focus on better outcomes for children and young people, ensuring that safety and effective management of risk is central to everything we do.”

While a new member of staff said: “It’s been a really positive experience as a newly qualified social worker in Cardiff; I feel well supported and am staying here for the foreseeable future.”

The inspection report can be viewed here: http://cssiw.org.uk/news/160323-cardiff-childrens-report/?lang=en.