Vale of Glamorgan care home worker struck off social care register
A Vale of Glamorgan care home worker has been struck from the Register of Social Care Workers.
A Fitness to Practise Panel of the Care Council for Wales found the adult care home manager ignored the dignity and privacy of residents by locking them out of their rooms.
Carey Ponting will no longer be able to work as an adult care home manager after it was found she failed to uphold the standards of the Code of Practice for Social Care Workers.
The hearing also heard Ms Ponting failed to follow risk assessment procedures for residents; did not ensure the care home met statutory regulations and failed to act on recommendations after a Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales inspection.
Other charges included a failure to maintain the care records of four residents meaning their changing care needs were not assessed.
Ms Ponting, who did not attend the hearing, is currently working in a social care role that does not require registration.
In delivering its decision, the Panel felt that removal from the Register was the only suitable action given the shortcomings in her practice and the risk posed to vulnerable care home residents if she returned to a management role.