Experts appointed to new social services advisory group

Gwenda Thomas, Deputy Minister for Social Services has announced appointments to a new expert group for social services.

Sally Ellis, who will chair the group, is the corporate director for Denbighshire County Council and the local government representative for the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board of Directors.

The six other members of the group are:

  • Parry Davies – strategic director for care protection and lifestyle services at Ceredigion County Council.
  • Carol Green, chief executive of Swansea County Voluntary Service.
  • Rob Hutchinson, CBE, a consultant specialising in children’s issues, formerly a director of social services at Portsmouth City Council.
  • Marcus Longley, Professor of applied health policy at the Welsh Institute of Health and Social Care, University of South Wales, and vice chair of Cardiff and Vale Local Health Board.
  • Rob Pickford, OBE , visiting Professor at the University of South Wales and former director of social services and children at the Welsh Government.
  • John Valentine Williams, non-executive director for the Welsh Government and holder of a number of voluntary appointments, including being a school governor and the current chair of Children in Wales.

All have taken up membership from December 2013.

Gwenda Thomas said: “I was delighted with the interest in this new group which demonstrates the commitment to transform social services to secure well-being for people in Wales. These are significant appointments and form part of our leadership alliance, which is cross-party and cross-sector. I am confident that the chair and members will identify priorities for action and make a great contribution to our plans.”

Sally Ellis, chair of the expert group, said: “The future of social services and well-being services – maintaining independence and supporting the most vulnerable – are critical matters for the population of Wales. I am pleased to be offered the opportunity to chair the Steering Group and be part of the changes and challenges.”