Young girl ‘sexually abused’ after being left in the care of convicted paedophile

A Serious Case Review into the care of Child S finds she was left in the care of an extended family member even after authorities knew he had a record of sexual offences against children.

A young girl alleged she was sexually abused after social services knowingly left her in the care  of a convicted paedophile, a report has revealed.

A Serious Case Review (SCR)  said the girl – referred to as Child S  – was left in the care of an extended family member even after police confirmed in July 2009 his record of sexual offences against  children. She was aged under 13 at  the time.

The SCR said social services  “closed the case” five months later despite the convicted child sex offender refusing an National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) risk assessment. Child S then returned  to her mother’s home in July 2010  and confided in a neighbour about  the alleged sexual abuse by the family member.

The SCR said the neighbour told social services about the allegations but no action was taken.

Today, Bridgend MP Madeleine  Moon said: “This is a second sad  case of a child failed by professionals.”

Meanwhile, Bridgend council  offered assurances that recommendations made by the report  had since been implemented.

Details of the report make for  alarming reading.

Child S – who was put on the  child protection register in July  2010 – had been living with the offender for five years under the  family’s arrangement, said the report. Neither she nor her former carer can be named to protect the  girl’s identity.

The review said the sexual  predator’s past convictions for  sexual offences against children  came to light when the case was  transferred  to a new social  worker.

The worker flagged it up at  a  protection review for siblings of  Child S, who were living at their mum’s home, said the review.

But social services completed a  “core assessment” on the girl’s  welfare and concluded: “The male carer posed little or no risk to the young person and it was  assessed that the young person was able to self-protect and  wanted the arrangement to continue.

“The case was then closed to  social services.”

Police agreed with the social  workers’ decision, according to a timeline published alongside the  damning report.

Six months later, Child S started sporadically turning up at her  family home, said the review, and  social services instigated a  “multi-agency child in need  plan”. But they left her in the care  of the known paedophile, said the  report, which continued: “Three  months later the young person  returned to the maternal home.

“At this point the young person’s name was placed on [the]  child protection register under the  grounds of neglect.”

After another three months,  Child S told a neighbour she had  been sexually abused by her  former carer, according to the  review.

“The neighbour referred this  allegation to children’s social services but no action was taken to follow up the referral,” it said.

“A month later, due to further deterioration in the maternal  home, the young person and the siblings were all made the subject  of interim care orders and placed  with foster carers.

“Shortly afterwards the young  person made a further disclosure, to a sibling, of sexual abuse by the  former male carer.”

The SCR, which identified  “eight key learning points”, was  published last year by Bridgend  Local Safeguarding Children  Board (BLSCB).

“In this case, the previous convictions of the former male carer  for sexual offending were known  about by the relevant agencies,  but the historic nature of these and  the absence of any identified current concerns led professionals to  believe that he no longer posed a  risk, despite his refusal to co-operate with a risk assessment,” the  report pointed out.

“The absence of a robust assessment meant that the plan did  not secure the welfare and safety  of the young person.”

SCRs are triggered when abuse or neglect raise concerns about a  local authority’s ability to safeguard the welfare of children.

In the London borough of  Haringey –   linked to the Peter  Connelly, or “Baby P”, child  cruelty case – there have been five  SCRs in the past four years.

In Bridgend county borough there have been 13  over the same period.

The BLSCB has now been  disbanded and is set to be replaced by Western Bay Regional  Safeguarding Children Board. Its former chairman Hilary Anthony  is also boss of BCBC’s children’s directive, which includes child  protection.

Ms Anthony said: “This was a  particularly complex case and the  outcomes of the review clearly  highlighted areas where improvements can be made across agencies.

“I can confirm that these improvements have been put into  practice and that a range of training and learning events have been held to ensure that all agencies can continue to work in partnership to offer support and services in an appropriate and efficient manner.”

In March, Wales Online reported on an SCR into the case of Child  P, a 16-year-old, from Maesteg,  who died from a drugs overdose after years of alleged sexual abuse. It said she was failed by  police and social services.

Bridgend MP Madeleine  Moon said she will be writing to  council leader Mel Nott and the  authority’s cabinet member for  children – Huw David – seeking  assurances that the report’s recommendations had been implemented.

Mrs Moon, who will be meeting Mr Nott on April 26 and also police chiefs on Friday to discuss the cases, has already written to  chief constable Peter Vaughan about Child S.

“This is a second sad case of a child failed by professionals who should have used their training,  skills and networks to protect  them,” she said.

“I hope this child is now having an appropriate level of help, support and psychological counselling.

“This case shows serious failures to protect a pre-teenage child  from sexual abuse.

“As with Child P, too great a responsibility was placed on the child to self-protect from sexual  abuse and exploitation.

“Many of the recommendations are similar.

“The case is some years old  and I would assume that the  changes recommended have  already been implemented.

“I would expect  the council’s  scrutiny committee will wish to  examine the historic failures and  new practice to ensure the failures  identified have been corrected  and the children involved given  the high degree of support and  counselling required.”