College selected to pilot care initiative
Last week, Pembrokeshire College was the venue for the launch of the long-awaited Quality Assured Lifelong Learning Units for the Social Care Induction Framework.
Aimed at supporting the increasing number of individuals who wish to enter the sector as well as those already employed in a care setting, Pembrokeshire College is proud to have been selected to pilot this new initiative.
Nikki Smith, workforce development officer at the Care Council for Wales, attended the launch event and commented: “The Care Council for Wales is very pleased to be working in partnership with Pembrokeshire College to pilot the use of the Quality Assured Lifelong Learning units for the Social Care Induction framework. The Care Council’s vision is that ‘the people of Wales can count on social services being provided by a professional, skilled and confident workforce’. Having access to a fully-accredited induction programme will start workers on the correct path to gaining the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to deliver high-quality services.”
Suzi Gray from City and Guilds added: “Access to a well-structured induction pays dividends to both employee and employer. Research suggests that a well-planned and delivered induction supports safe practice, increases staff moral and enhances organisational reputation.
“City & Guilds is pleased to be working in partnership with the Care Council for Wales to pilot the recently accredited Social Care Induction Framework (SCIF) Learning Programme. Offering learners a unique opportunity to access a fully accredited induction programme, Pembrokeshire is the first college to deliver the SCIF (QALL) learning programme in Wales.
“City & Guilds are delighted to be working closely with Pembrokeshire College in order to roll out the pilot delivery of the SCIF (QALL) learning programme. A long established and highly regarded City & Guilds centre, Pembrokeshire College excels in strong collaboration and partnership models of delivery. This, coupled with their proven track record in quality, will ensure that managers can be confident that learners will receive a reliable social care induction and learning experience.”
Workforce skills manager at the college, Lucy Kendall, was also present at the event and added: “We have been working hard with local employers to find out their requirements which have resulted in this programme to accredit the induction of staff in the Care sector.”
Course costs for private sector care settings can currently be subsidised through the Skill for Industry project. To find out more about the Quality Assured Lifelong Learning unit, contact the college on 01437 753 141.