Old Colwyn nursing home served enforcement notice over neglect

A CARE home where elderly residents hadn’t been bathed in three weeks has been served with an enforcement notice after a spot check inspection revealed neglect.

Residents at the Mount Nursing Home in Old Colwyn have suffered due to an absence of management and staffing levels, says a Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) report following an inspection at the home in May.

The Mount’s owner and director Gary Uppal says changes have now been made and has invited the public to inspect the building on Watkin Avenue.

“I’d like to assure everyone that the welfare of our residents is our highest priority,” he said.

The CSSIW responded to a complaint it received in May and turned up unannounced.

The inspector found residents unwashed, unshaven and reports of residents being reduced to tears.

The home, which has 18 residents, was judged to be understaffed and not managed properly, with a lack of supervision and training given to employees.

It was criticised for its minimal food and cleaning supplies and lack of activities for residents, and for the lounge’s TV being broken and not having a mini bus.

The home blamed problems on there not being a registered manager in charge at the time, and says it’s now interviewing nurses for the position.

ADG Health Care director Mr Uppal said the home had addressed its problems.

“Through the report being done on May 29 we have been in contact with the CSSIW, and a response has been given to them and all the issues have been addressed,” he claimed.

“Monitoring systems are now in place to assure the residents’ well being is the highest priority at all times.

“The CSSIW can choose to close the home in an instant and take every resident out of the home. They haven’t done that because the changes have been made.

“The residents are happy. I would be happy for members my own family to be here. We have had carers who have had their own mothers and fathers in the home.

“If the public has any concerns, they are welcome to call and arrange a viewing. We will be arranging an open day in the coming weeks to show total transparency should anyone want to have a look around.”

One ex-employee of the home said there had been concerns for a while: “There have been concerns raised by staff, residents and their families about the lack of provisions supplied by the owners.

“I admire the staff, who have tried their best to maintain a suitable level of care with an extreme lack of equipment, medical supplies, qualified staff and low levels of staffing,” he said.

The home has now been ordered to address several issues affecting residents, including improving quality of life and dignity; staffing numbers; training and supervision; as well as management issues, and must improve facilities.

A spokeswoman for the CSSIW commented: “As the protection and safety of those living at the home is paramount, CSSIW will be closely monitoring progress in responding to areas of non-compliance.”