Parents make last-minute plea for Monmouthshire care home
THERE were emotional exchanges yesterday at a council meeting as parents made an impassioned plea to save a Monmouthshire care home from closure.
Parent-carers gave evidence to Monmouthshire Council’s adult select committee meeting on Budden Crescent Respite Care Home in Caldicot, and they seemed to be winning the support of some of the councillors present.
The committee was due to scrutinise proposals put forward on the future of the home in Caldicot.
But after hearing evidence from parent-carers and listening to responses from members of the council’s social services team, the meeting was adjourned until May 21 at 12pm, when the committee will make recommendations to cabinet on what course of action to take.
The original proposals put forward were either to keep Budden Crescent open or close it and develop flexible options for respite care as an alternative.
But an additional option was put forward by staff of Budden Crescent at the last minute. This option would retain Budden Crescent as a hub for respite care in Monmouthshire, with two beds and other respite options, such as adult placement, based there.
Pam Ball, parent-carer of 39-year-old Sharon, told the committee: “I would like you to think about this option. We believe the staff can do this and I think it could work.”
Parent-carer Sandra Bower gave an emotional plea to the committee: “Budden Crescent gives us trust, safety, care and confidence that our children are being looked after. We as parents are always worrying about care.”
Committee member Cllr Stephanie Dovey said: “I think we should welcome the use of Budden Crescent as a hub. As far as I’m concerned, I think it should stay.”
Cllr Jeff Mitchell added: “The change for these people causes massive problems and strain on families. There is a cost that is not necessarily financial here.”
How the figures add up
A review of respite care in Monmouthshire was brought forward after Torfaen council pulled out of Budden Crescent, which they paid £129,000 to use.
The current cost of running Budden Crescent is £395,057, with the cost of continuing to run Budden Crescent is £301,000.
The estimated cost of flexible respite options is £257,500, while the estimated cost of the additional option is £302,000.