Social workers in the spotlight at Wrexham’s RAFA club
THE good work carried out by social workers was the focus of a special event, the first of its kind in Wales, at Wrexham’s RAFA Club.
Social Workers Award Scheme Cymru, The British Association of Social Workers, The RAFA Club and North East Wales LGBT Foundation were all sponsors of the public meeting to raise the profile of workers across Wales.
Keith Drury, who is currently deputy chairman of British Association of Social Workers Cymru, said: “This was a great opportunity for members of the public including service users, carers, families, community groups, organisations, providers of care and of course social workers, to come together and celebrate social work in Wales, a profession which has often come under attack in recent years through negative media headlines.
“It is important to remember the valuable work carried out by social workers across Wales, which often goes unnoticed by the media and the general public.
“This event was the first of its kind in Wales to highlight the good social workers do in our communities throughout Wales.”
Emyr Owen, representing the British Association of Social Workers in Wales, said: “Social work is focused on promoting social justice and supporting community and voluntary groups.”
Julie Roberts, a sign language interpreter in Wrexham who attended the event said: “Attending the event for me was a great opportunity to celebrate social work values and practices and more importantly, celebrating the good work of social workers.”
Anne Marie Ruscoe, manager of the RAFA Club in Wrexham, said: “I was delighted to have been given the opportunity to hold the event at the RAFA Club.
“Community groups, organisations, employers, service users, carers and many others from the public domain should support social workers in Wales, simply because they face challenges everyday in their work and deal with situations that require their intervention.”
In addition to celebrating and promoting Social Work the event also raised money for Hope House Hospice and Wrexham Care Association.
Gina Steele, a guest speaker at the event and who represented the North East Wales Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Foundation said: “Whenever there’s a negative headline about a social worker, there are hundreds of others doing a fantastic job of which we never hear about.
“This was a great opportunity to sensationalise the good work going in our community, to come together and raise the profile of social work in Wales.
“I was honoured to have the opportunity to speak at the event as I truly believe social workers are amazing people who carry out amazing work with the public.”