Rape Convictions Falling In Wales

The number of convictions in rape cases has fallen in Wales at the same time as it has risen in England, according to new figures.

Statistics published by equality pressure group the Fawcett Society show the conviction rate has dropped in all four Welsh police force areas.

In Dyfed-Powys, there is a smaller than one in 30 chance of a rape conviction.

Last week, three AMs anonymously revealed they had been raped but had not reported the crime to the police.

The rape reporting figures relate to the 2004-2006 period and were obtained by the Fawcett Society following a Freedom of Information request to the Ministry of Justice.

All four Welsh forces had a conviction rate below the UK average of 6.1%.

South Wales Police saw the second biggest fall in conviction rates in the UK, down from 12.18% in 2004 to 5.9% in 2006.

Sarah Campbell from the Fawcett Society said in areas where there had been a big rise in convictions, there had been a big effort to train officers, carry out better evidence collection and provide better support for women who report rape.

The society wants to see best practice repeated across the UK.