Llangefni Child Care Centre To Create 20 Jobs

Twenty new jobs will be created at a new child care centre at Llangefni. The £2.3m Integrated Child Care Centre is nearing completion and Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin is recruiting staff for its new day nursey located within the centre.

This project, which stems from a partnership between Anglesey Council and Mudiad, will offer a range of child care services for Anglesey families all through the medium of Welsh.

Both the cylch meithrin and the cylch Ti a Fi Stryd y Bont, Llangefni, and Ysgol y Graig’s After School Club will be relocated within the new centre, as well as the new day nursery for up to 50 young children managed by Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin.

Mudiad chief executive Hywel Jones said: “The centre will offer quality education and full day care services at the new day nursery.”