338 North Wales Kids At Risk Of Abuse

Shocking new child abuse statistics show as many as 338 are on the at-risk register in North Wales.

The figures are revealed as the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children launches a new Full Stop campaign to encourage people to act and stop the abuse.

Over 2,100 children and young people in Wales are known to be at risk now.

Worryingly, there are “many more” that are not known about.

There were at least 338 youngsters on the at-risk register in North Wales as of March 31, 2006.

If updated today that figure would likely to be much higher.

On Anglesey there were 26 children on the register, with 79 in Gwynedd, 44 in Conwy, 63 in Denbighshire, 86 in Flintshire and 40 children in Wrexham.

Dozens more are at risk in Ceredigion and Powys.

On average, every week in Wales and England one child is killed at the hands of their parent and around one in every six children in the UK experiences some form of serious abuse.

NSPCC Cymru/Wales director Greta Thomas said: “Given these figures are only the cases that have been reported, it can only ever give an indication of the true extent of child cruelty and neglect.”

Ms Thomas said: “Be the Full Stop is the public’s opportunity to play a role in putting an end to child abuse.”

“It is an all too sad reality for many children in every community.

“It really is a local issue that we all need to urgently address.

“We can each play our part in ending this abuse, whether as individuals, with a group or as part of some organisations.

“Together we can all make a difference to the lives of vulnerable children and young people.”

Abuse can be physical – hitting, kicking, punching – or emotional, when adults deny children love or affection, or constantly threaten or humiliate them.

Sarcasm, degrading punishments and ignoring a child are also forms of emotional abuse and undermine a child’s confidence and sense of self-worth.

Another is neglect – when a child’s basic need for love, food, warmth, safety, education and medical attention is not met by parents or carers or sexual abuse – including kissing and indecently touching the child.

Bullying, racism are other forms of how a child can be harmed physically and emotionally.

Children are put on at-risk registers after a child protection case conference is held – a confidential meeting between parents, social workers, health visitors, police, teachers and doctors after an enquiry has shown that a child is at risk of abuse or neglect.

Youngsters are put on the register if there is risk of the child being harmed again through injury, abuse or neglect.

A child protection plan is drawn up to make sure the child is kept safe.

A child’s name is never included on the register without good reason.

Cases are reviewed after three months to see if things have improved, then again every six months.