Age Concern Cymru Urges OAPs To Claim Allowance
Older people in Wales suffering with an illness or disability could be losing £110 a week in benefits, Age Concern Cymru warns today.
The charity urged those either aged over 65, or approaching their 65th birthday to claim attendance allowance and disability living allowance to pay for care costs as a means of improving their quality of life.
Claimants who are ill or disabled and claim disability living allowance before they turn 65 can receive up to £45 more per week for life.
This is on top of up to £64.50 per week people can claim after they turn 65.
Age Concern Cymru said that thousands of people across Wales are likely to be losing out by failing to claim the non-means tested allowances because they believe the system is too complicated.
But the charity said it will help guide pensioners through making their claim.
Chris Beaumont, policy and information officer at Age Concern Cymru, said: “Many older people throughout Wales who are coping with an illness or disability are missing out on life-changing cash.
“This is because they simply don’t know they can claim or are confused by the system.
“They could be entitled to a massive £110 extra a week which is rightfully theirs.
“This cash could make a huge difference to their quality of living and help pay towards the extra costs which their illness creates.”
Anyone who thinks they might be missing out, contact their nearest Age Concern or call the free information line on 0800 009966.