Welsh Minister Supports Pay Settlement For Nurses
The Minister of Health and Social Services in Wales has said she will press the UK government to implement a full 2.5% pay award for all nurses. Director of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), Tina Donnelly, appreciated the news saying:
“we welcome the support shown to the ursing family by the Welsh Assembly government. It echoes the support shown by the other political parties in their election manifestos.” Welsh health minister, Ediwna Hart, has agreed to review the recommendations made by the Independent Pay Review body in Wales.
Nurses in Wales expect to receive the same treatment as their Scottish colleagues who will be given a full pay award backdated to 1 April 2007. Currently Welsh nurses recieve a phased pay award with a 1.5% increase in April 2007 and a further 1% rise in November of the same year.
However, the RCN has said this amount is “an insult to nurses” and is campaigning for a 2.5% single pay award. Tina Donnelly says the health minister’s actions “demonstrate the commitment of the new minister in valuing professionals and their commitment to delivering a first class health service to the people in Wales. We know that this pay award is affordable.”
Peter Carter, General Secretary of the RCN said: “The prospect of industrial action has not gone away and will not until all nurses in the UK receive a just settlement to their pay claim.”