Swansea NHS Ban Staff’s Public Smoking
Health workers in Swansea have been banned from smoking in public in their work clothes.The measure has come into force following the April 2 ban on lighting up in enclosed places.
Staff have been warned to stub out cigarettes not only if they are wearing a Swansea NHS Trust uniform but a trust badge.
The rule is in place when workers are on hospital sites and when they are out and about. Anyone caught smoking could face being disciplined.
Backing for the move has been won by the Corporate Health Standard Group, which promotes the health of employees, trade union staff-side representatives and the trust’s executive board.
A spokeswoman for Swansea NHS Trust said the ban had come into force as the body was responsible for the promotion of good health.
She said: “The policy has been directed with the full involvement of the trade unions. As a health body the trust has a responsibility for promoting a healthy working environment and lifestyle.”