Don’t Get Old In The Vale, Warns MP

A Welsh MP has launched an astonishing attack on his local council, claiming it only cares about balancing books and not solving people’s problems. John Smith said he was ashamed of what he described as the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s lack of concern for the vulnerable people in his constituency. He claimed the council was putting cost-cutting ahead of pensioners in need of help. He claimed the council was refusing to fund statutory social services for adults – such as home helps and day care centres – because it has a £5.5m shortfall in its budget.

He said patients were languishing in hospitals in Cardiff and Bridgend because the Vale council has stopped paying for any community-based care – including nursing and residential home places – for patients currently in hospital.

Such a policy could have huge implications for hospitals, as operations are cancelled or patients face long waits in accident and emergency departments because there are no free beds. Any surge in demand, in the event of high rates of influenza this winter or particularly cold weather, could send already-stretched hospitals into meltdown, health bosses said.

Mr Smith said, “I have received letters … clearly stating the council … is making decisions about the care of residents in the Vale based only on finance and not on the individual needs of those asking for help. I warn the residents of the Vale – do not become elderly, do not become disabled, do not ask for help for your families or relatives in difficulties because this council does not care about those in need.”

He added, “It is a scandal that the Vale will not help the elderly, the disabled and those waiting to get out of hospital and back home.”

He said an action plan intended to resolve problems does not allow the social services department to help anyone unless the department first takes away care from an existing person in the Vale.

“The council claims that the Welsh Assembly Government has not given them sufficient money. This is not true,” he said. “The Vale social services were in trouble some years ago when the council set up a £5m fund to cover their annual losses. This money has now been used up without the Cabinet bringing forward measures to deal with the problem. All political parties on the council must unite to stop these devastating cuts taking effect. Enough is enough. Yes – budgets have to balance. However, this financial problem cannot be solved by strangling social services to death.”

The scathing attack comes as the Vale council is faced with a £5.5m shortfall in its social services budget – historically this has been offset by a contingency fund, but there is no more money in that particular purse.

Mr Smith said he understood that one way of dealing with the money gap is to cut statutory services, which include home help for the elderly, day centres and care home funding. He said, “No person in my constituency who is eligible in law for a free care package is going to get one. No new person who is stuck in hospital will get any care whatsoever unless the care is withdrawn from someone else, and even then only 50% of the funding will be available. I have also been told by the head of Women’s Aid that the Vale could become the first county in Wales to have no refuge if these cuts go ahead.”

At the moment it appears as though adult social services will bear the brunt of any cost-cutting measures, rather than children’s services, which were the subject of one of the worst joint reviews ever written. It is feared that any cuts could spread to children’s services and undermine the staff’s hard work over the last three years to bring children’s services up to standard.{mospagebreak}

Jeffrey James, leader of the Vale council, would not give an interview to the Western Mail but in a prepared statement, Gordon Kemp, cabinet member for social and care services, said, “The council totally refutes any allegation that no new care packages are being funded for people leaving hospital. Over recent years, the council has consistently allocated significant funding to social services and the authority’s base budget for social services is also above the level it is expected to invest according to the Welsh Assembly Government’s standard spending assessment.

“This growth in spending on social services is unsustainable and, if not managed, will have an impact across all council services, including schools. In terms of social care, there are budget pressures across Wales and most councils are experiencing difficulties. The Assembly Government should, therefore, take a serious look at the monies it is allocating to councils because, in recent years, there has been a huge increase in pressures in terms of social care but no commensurate increase in allocations of monies.

“In terms of resources, the situation has not been helped in recent years by Assembly Government threats to cap councils for above average council tax increases. A council action plan contains a series of measures over the short and long-term to tackle current overspending and long-term budgetary pressures.

“As I stated when Mr Smith originally raised these issues, he would be better lobbying his colleagues for additional cash rather than continuing to criticise councils for doing an extremely difficult and challenging job without the necessary resources.”

Health Minister Brian Gibbons is aware of all the issues and the Social Services Inspectorate has sought assurances from the Vale about its plans.

Patients are already bearing the brunt of cuts to social services in the Vale of Glamorgan as they are stuck in hospital, despite being well enough for discharge.

Dementia patients are being cared for on acute medical wards, normally used for emergency or GP admissions, because they cannot be transferred to Barry Hospital where they would be more appropriately cared for.

The beds in Barry are full of patients who cannot leave hospital because community care funding has not been forthcoming from the Vale of Glamorgan Council.

Simon Jones, chair of Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust, said the number of delayed transfers of care among patients from the Vale is increasing monthly.

The trust has already had to open an extra 41 beds, which are being staffed by expensive bank and agency nurses, even though they are not funded.

Mr Jones said, “Things that should be happening are not – everything else may be in place but patients are not getting into the homes that have accepted them because the Vale is not funding them. We are between a rock and a hard place – we are feeling the consequences of someone else’s responsibility. We cannot throw people out of hospital if they have nowhere appropriate to go, or they cannot afford to go there because the funding package is not appropriate.

“We are bursting at the seems. If we get a nasty flu bug or a really cold snap on top of this, the hospitals will be under even more pressure and it will be difficult to see where we go from there. We are very worried about the situation as there doesn’t seem to be any understanding of the consequences of what they appear to be doing or any great desire to address the consequences.

“We are left picking up the pieces and making sure people remain in a safe cared-for environment, but not necessarily the one that they should be in.”

Abigail Harris, chief executive of Vale of Glamorgan Local Health Board, said, “The LHB is aware of the council’s challenging financial position particularly in relation to social services. This is having an impact on the number of patients delayed in hospital awaiting discharge home with a package of care or residential or nursing home care.”