Call for social care professionals in Wales to contribute to revised practice guidance

Social Care Wales have issued a call for your views on changes to the practice guidance for social workers, social care managers and residential child care managers.

The practice guidance describes the standards expected in every day practice and builds on the Code of Professional Practice for Social Care and aims to:

  • describe what is expected of workers
  • support workers to deliver a good service

Sheila Lyons, Improvement and Development Manager at Social Care Wales said: “We want to ensure the guidance is appropriate, and we encourage people who work in the sector or who receive care and support services to feedback on the updated content.

“We want to know if you think the guidance will support workers to carry out their role effectively?  If you work in the sector we want to know how you will use the guidance in your role?

“We’d also like to hear any comments you have on the changes made to:

  • make the language clear using plain English
  • ensure the guidance is consistent with new legislation
  • include information about Code of Practice for Social Care Employers
  • ensure consistency, where necessary, across guidance.

“This is a public consultation, so everyone can have their say.”

The closing date for comments is 9 November 2018 and you can take part here:

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