National conference sees 97 new Dementia Champions graduate in Scotland
A recent National Conference & Graduation event saw 97 health and social service professionals from across Scotland graduate to become Dementia Champions.
The Dementia Champion graduates are the sixth group to complete the programme and bring the number of Dementia Champions in Scotland to around 600. Each Champion is dedicated to improve the experience and outcomes of care and treatment for people with dementia.
Improving the care and experience of people with dementia in acute general hospitals, related community settings and specialist mental health dementia services are a priority area in Scotland’s Dementia Strategy.
The event, which took place on Wednesday 16 March, also recognised the success of 30 graduates from the Dementia Specialist Improvement Leads programme, designed specifically for mental health nurses working in specialist mental health services for people with dementia.
Shona Robison MSP Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Sport, praised the graduates from both programmes and paid tribute to the time and effort they have put into the intensive training.
In her speech at the event, Professor Fiona McQueen, Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) for Scotland said: “I am delighted to be attending my second Dementia Champions graduation as CNO, and privileged to be at this, the first Dementia Specialist Improvement Leads graduation. In my first year in post as CNO I’ve seen for myself the visible changes often driven by dementia champions in a range of settings, especially in acute hospitals. I will be relentless in my pursuit of excellence in care for people with dementia so that we are justifiably proud of the care we deliver to people with dementia, their families and carers.”
A new programme for the seventh cohort of Dementia Champions will begin in May 2016.