Info events on Standard for Residential Child Care in Scotland
The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC), in partnership with the Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland (CELCIS), are inviting child care professionals along to a series of events to find out more about the Standard for Residential Child Care and what it means for you and your organisation.
The Standard is the benchmark for residential child care workforce and specifies what is expected of those seeking registration with the SSSC as a manager, supervisor or practitioner in a residential child care service in Scotland. It also underpins the development and delivery of the SCQF level 9 qualification which managers, supervisors and workers will be required to achieve.
You will learn about the Standard and in particular the key principles which underpin the SCQF level 9 award:
- work based learning
- recognition of prior learning
- assessed practice.
You will also have an opportunity to consider:
- how the award will apply to you as an individual
- how your organisation can prepare for the implementation of the award.
The dates
- 25 June 2015, Glasgow – 9.15am to 12.30pm
Refreshments will be provided. Venue: The Scottish Youth Theatre, 105 Brunswick Street, Glasgow G11TF
- 25 June 2015, Glasgow – 1.15 to 4.30pm
Refreshments will be provided. Venue: The Scottish Youth Theatre, 105 Brunswick Street, Glasgow G11TF
- 26 June 2015, Edinburgh – 9.30am to 1pm
Lunch at 1pm. Refreshments and lunch will be provided. Venue: Edinburgh Training Centre, 16 St. Marys Street, Edinburgh, EH1 15U.
We can also offer you the opportunity to join the event by video conferencing. Please contact [email protected] by Friday 19 June if you would like to use this facility.
- 2 July 2015, Perth – 9.45am to 1.15pm
Lunch at 1pm. Refreshments and lunch will be provided. Venue: Perth Concert Hall, Mill Street, Perth PH5HZ
This events are free of charge and there are 50 spaces at each. If you are interested in attending you can book through: Eventbrite.