UWS launch DVD to help carers of people with Dementia

University of the West of Scotland (UWS) officially launched a new DVD, which will provide invaluable support and advice for carers of the person with advanced dementia, this week at the Avonbridge Hotel in Hamilton.

The film, ‘This worked for me’, which was funded by NHS Lanarkshire, was produced by a team led by carers of people with advanced dementia.

The film, which was highly commended at the recent Mental Health Nursing Forum Scotland’s Practice Excellence Awards 2015, is mainly for family or friends of people with dementia but others who provide care will also find the film a valuable resource, including practitioners in health and social care, students, volunteers and supporters. The film celebrates the voices and wisdom of carers of the person with advanced dementia and shares their stories of care and offers ideas about what worked for them in their daily life.
This film’s production team were supported by a group of practitioners and nursing students, from NHS Lanarkshire, University of the West of Scotland and Alzheimer Scotland.

Dementia is a growing health concern with around 800,000 people living with the condition in the UK, and numbers projected to rise to over a million by 2021. UWS is committed to making an important, transformational contribution to its local communities and society in general and is widely known for its innovative work in the area of dementia.

The University, which is set to become Scotland’s first Dementia Friendly University, has undertaken a range of projects to raise awareness and understanding of the condition. The University’s work in this area is hugely important as it is vital that as many people as possible are aware of the condition, the challenges people with dementia may face and the positive steps we can all take to make a difference to their lives.  

Margaret Brown, who is based in the University’s School of Health, Nursing & Midwifery and is a key member of the UWS Older Persons’ Health and Wellbeing group, said: “We are delighted to have launched this DVD which will be a hugely important resource for carers of people with advanced dementia. At UWS we are committed to making a difference in the area of dementia and are delighted to have played an important role in the creation of this highly informative DVD.”