Age Scotland secure £500k funding to raise dementia awareness
More than half a million pounds worth of funding has been awarded to Age Scotland to raise awareness of dementia and promote early intervention among older people in Scotland.
Funding has come from the Life Changes Trust and the £515,000 funding will help Age Scotland ensure that more older people will have diagnosis and treatment at an early stage of their dementia so they will have:
- a longer period of independence
- greater awareness of the help and choices which are available to them and their carers
- access to information, resources and knowledge
- experienced support to reduce the stigma and fear surrounding dementia
- time to take steps to protect their individual choices in future (Power of Attorney, wills, where they will live, who will support them)
- interaction with services which will then have a better awareness of their needs and priorities
Age Scotland will also use the funding to promote better health and well-being, and explain how these improvements can help prevent or slow the pace of dementia.
Life Changes Trust is an independent charity set up with a Big Lottery Fund endowment of £50 million to improve the lives of two key groups in Scotland: people affected by dementia and care experienced young people.