Central Scotland rape crisis centre closes down

A Stirling-based rape crisis centre has closed after failing to address claims of bullying against its manager.

An employment tribunal judgement found Central Scotland Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Centre failed to address a series of accusations involving bullying and intimidation against manager Duncan Dennett.

The tribunal found that Mr Dennett was aggressive towards co-workers and on one occasion, a rape victim who was receiving advice. It was also noted that centre chairwoman, Ann Ballinger, failed to follow up or act on numerous complaints against Mr Dennett.

An award of £20,000 was made to former centre worker Helen McKean for constructive dismissal.

In a written statement, employment judge Chris Lucas said: “The tribunal has been provided with ample evidence to back up Ms McKean’s contention that Mr Dennett regularly demonstrated aggression within the centre.

“There was also ample evidence to demonstrate that Ms McKean and many others had brought Mr Dennett’s conduct to the attention of the board but the board had done little or nothing to procure that his aggressive conduct was stopped.”

The tribunal also heard evidence from four of Ms McKean’s former colleagues, all of whom described Mr Dennett as aggressive.

The Scottish Government, who provided £50,000 a year to the service, hope a new centre can be established soon.

A government spokesman said: “We will be working closely with Rape Crisis Scotland to ensure a new local rape crisis service is established for Central Scotland as soon as practicable.

“Funding for this new service will be contingent upon it meeting eligibility requirements for Scottish Government funding, including Rape Crisis Scotland’s National Service Standards.”