Inspectors concerned over care at Edinburgh home

An Edinburgh care home has been ordered to make significant improvements after inspectors raised serious concerns about the quality of care provided to residents.

The Care Inspectorate has graded the quality of care provided at Camilla House in the city as ‘unsatisfactory’ for the second inspection in a row. This is the lowest possible grade.

The social care regulator has also served a formal improvement notice on the service which lists the immediate improvements required.

Owned by leading independent provider, Embrace Group, Camilla House is registered to provide 24 hour care for up to 48 older people. It offers residential, nursing and dementia care for older people, as well as palliative and respite care.

In their most recent inspection report, inspectors noted: “The care provided in key areas of health care caused us concern. Because of the serious concerns, the Care Inspectorate has made the decision to take enforcement action and an improvement notice has been issued to the provider.”

Outlining their findings in relation to earlier inspections, the inspectors added: “Whilst we found that some improvements had been made, we continued to have concerns about the standard of service provision and direct outcomes for residents.

“There needs to be improvement in how residents’ skin care, oral hygiene, hydration and pain is managed.

“The recording of how residents’ care is provided needs to improve so that there is clear guidance to staff about the care the resident needs and how staff must provide this.

“The deployment of staff at breakfast and morning tea time needs to improve.

“The provider needs to get better at notifying the Care Inspectorate of significant events.

“The action plan, which the provider submitted following the last inspection, detailing how it planned to address the requirements made, had not progressed in the way the provider had stated.”

A spokesperson for the Care Inspectorate said: “We continue to have serious concerns about this service.

“Our report and the improvement notice we have issued to the service list the immediate improvements we require to ensure the quality of care provided to residents meets the standards we expect.

“We will be monitoring this service closely and will be inspecting again soon to check on progress.”

A spokesperson for the home said: “I can confirm that we are continuing to work closely with the Care Inspectorate to immediately address the areas they have raised. The health and wellbeing of the people we support is our number one priority, and we are working to make improvements as soon as possible.”

The inspection report is available here: