Scottish Borders care home smoking ban phased in

Moves have been agreed which will see a smoking ban phased in at council-run care homes across the Scottish Borders.
New residents will not be allowed to smoke but those already living in the homes will still be able to light up in designated areas.

One of the five sites operated by Scottish Borders Council, Grove House in Kelso, is already smoke free.

Now the authority has agreed to phase in a ban on smoking at the other homes it runs.

Councillor Jim Torrance said he believed the move would have a positive impact.

“As an ex-smoker I know how difficult it is to give up smoking but it can be done,” he said.

“There are also all the health benefits that can be attributed to giving up smoking.

“And obviously, from the health and safety point of view of staff, there is the passive smoking issue.”

However, fellow social work committee member Gavin Logan said he had supported the action “very reluctantly”.

“I gave the example of my late mother-in-law who tried in her later years to give up smoking but just couldn’t,” he said.

“She wouldn’t have been able to go into one of these homes because of the no smoking policy.

“The council, I think, have probably got it right but I can see problems with individuals in future.”