New council-owned social care organisation set for launch

Scotland’s first Local Authority Trading Company designed to deliver high-quality social care services for adults is set to be launched on 01 August 2013. The company, to be known as Bon Accord Care Ltd, will be wholly owned by Aberdeen City Council.

The social care services transferring from the Council to Bon Accord Care are the three care homes and two day centres for older people, the rehabilitation centre, integrated care at home to people in sheltered housing and in their own home, the community alarm service, and occupational therapy and equipment services. All staff who currently deliver these services within the Council will transfer to Bon Accord Care to ensure continuity of care for service users and their carers.

Social Care and Wellbeing Convener Councillor Len Ironside CBE said: “This will be an arm’s length company wholly owned by and overseen by Aberdeen City Council, which will retain full scrutiny over quality and performance.

“The health and care needs of older people in Aberdeen population are changing and the number of older people will rise significantly over the next two decades. People are living longer and will need smarter care arrangements to allow them to stay active and healthy and, if possible, at home for longer.

“The trading company is the best and most cost-effective way of keeping pace with these challenges and the changes. It will allow us to maximise choice and independence for the people who need our services. And as a trading organisation, Bon Accord Care will also be able to deliver services to other bodies and generate funds for front-line services.

“I am proud of the bold step we are taking to ensure Aberdeen is at the forefront of developments in care for older people.”

Bon Accord Care’s contract with the City Council will ensure:
  • more choice and improved services for people who need them;
  • excellent value for money and incentives to ensure service improvement;
  • efficiency savings and opportunities to invest to meet growing demand;
  • a chance for the workforce to have a direct stake in their own futures in an organisation which rewards good performance.

The LATC is in line with City Council policies contained in its Five Year Business Plan which seek to shift the balance of care towards community-based services and reshape services for older people to make sure increasing demand is met.

City Council social care and wellbeing staff from the services to be taken on by Bon Accord Care will transfer to the new organisation under terms and conditions which match their existing arrangements. Extensive staff engagement and trade union consultation has been carried out and is continuing in the run-up to launch day.