Uni childcare expert set to visit Turkey

A CHILDCARE expert from Strathclyde University is travelling to Turkey to help the country modernise its systems for looking after youngsters.

Dr Ian Milligan, international lead with the Centre For Excell-ence For Looked After Children In Scotland at Strathclyde University, is taking the trip with Ronnie Hill, assistant director of national services with the charity Children 1st.

The Unicef-funded project brings their combined expertise in policy development, management and inspection of residential services for children to help improve standards in Turkey.

The project is backed by the Scottish Care Inspectorate.

Mr Hill and Dr Milligan will meet senior government officials, auditors, inspectors, social services and heads of residential care homes, and visit children’s homes in Ankara and Gaziantep.

They will also meet local children and young people, teachers and medical staff.

Dr Milligan said: “It is widely recognised that we can only reach the highest standard if we are prepared to look at how things are done elsewhere.”