Scottish Labour’s Johann Lamont attacks SNP benefits policy
Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont has renewed her attack on the universal provision of some benefits by the Scottish government.
In a speech to Labour’s conference in Manchester, she said that the current approach hurts “hard working families”.
Ms Lamont accused the SNP of making the poor pay for “election bribes” that benefit the better off.
Last week, the Labour leader spoke about the need to end a “something for nothing” culture.
In a speech to party members in Edinburgh, she questioned policies which result in the children of rich families not paying tuition fees, or which see the better-off receive free prescriptions.
Her address to conference, the first by an elected leader of the Scottish Labour Party, was a further attack on the policies being pursued by First Minister Alex Salmond and his government.
Before making her way on stage, Labour MP Harriet Harman said she was delighted to see that Ms Lamont had wiped the “smug, arrogant” smile off SNP leader Alex Salmond’s face since taking on the leadership role.
Ms Lamont said: “Every day we see more clearly that the costs of Salmond’s slogans are being borne by hard working families struggling to make ends meet, borne by the elderly and vulnerable seeing their care slashed, borne by the student who can’t get a place in further education.”
She added: “This SNP government is making the poor pay for the election bribes that benefit the better off, but won’t tell us this side of the referendum where he goes to find another £3.3bn of cuts.
“Conference, Scottish Labour is not afraid to be honest with the people of Scotland, and not afraid to expose Alex Salmond and his Tartan Tories who try to wear our clothing while punishing the people they should be protecting.
“The SNP might not have the courage to be straight with the Scottish people but we do.
“I won’t wait until after the referendum to be honest with the people of Scotland. We need an honest debate now about how we protect the most vulnerable from the cuts.”
Ms Lamont stressed that not everyone was going to like the solutions, but she said that was “unavoidable”.
The Scottish MSP’s appearance at the Labour conference comes the day after a speech by the Labour First Minister of Wales, Carwyn Jones.
He said free prescriptions would remain a commitment for Labour at the next Welsh assembly election.
Mr Jones pledged the NHS would continue to be safe under his stewardship, “holding true to Nye Bevan’s vision after six decades”.
He said the examples being set by Labour in Wales were vital to the whole country, demonstrating the party’s confidence, competence and ideas.