Inmates ‘bored and lack recreation’

Boredom among prisoners and the poor quality of recreation is a concern at Scotland’s only open jail, the Chief Inspector of Prisons has warned.

More needs to be done to improve how prisoners at Castle Huntly in Dundee are prepared for release, Brigadier Hugh Monro said, after what was the first full inspection of the open estate since 2008.

The open estate was reorganised in 2011 when the closure of Noranside open prison in Angus meant all prisoners were moved to Castle Huntly.

Brigadier Monro’s report found that the open prison is safe and that prisoners are treated with decency, humanity and with respect for their legal rights. It also found good provision of healthcare.

Prison vocational training should be reviewed and the risks posed by prisoners who have a history of committing domestic violence should be looked at, the report said.

Brigadier Monro said: “In summary this was a good inspection. However, there are a number of communication issues which suggest to me that prisoners in the open estate are not as involved in the day-to-day running of the prison as they could be.

“Given that they are soon to be released, a greater feeling of trust between staff and prisoners should be encouraged.

“I am worried about the general feeling of boredom and poor quality of recreation. Except for the gymnasium, there is very little for prisoners to do, particularly on the evenings and weekends.

“I noted that the governor and his staff refocused Castle Huntly on the outcome of preparing prisoners for being returned to the community. Although this process is still ongoing, there is a strong impression that all activities are aimed at rehabilitation and this has required a number of changes, most obviously in education.

“It is clear, however, that the principle offender outcome activity is work placements in the community, and that other activities within the prison are relatively limited.”