Youth worker faces jail over child porn

A YOUTH worker who planned a career in social work is facing jail after he was caught keeping a massive hoard of child pornography at his home.

Andrew Condie, 36, was found with 20,000 indecent images of children.

He was caught when police raided his home in January this year and seized two hard drive devices belonging to him.

Condie, of Hamilton, South Lanarkshire, was arrested as part of police-led Operation Alba, which saw a crackdown on internet child sex abusers.

Condie pled guilty at Hamilton Sheriff Court to charges of having thousands of indecent images of young boys on computer hardware at his home. Fiscal depute Barry Dunne told the court Condie kept his collection of child pornography highly organised in computer files.

He also said: “The accused was studying for a social work degree at university and was employed as a youth worker working with vulnerable children during the period the offences took place.”

Officers at Strathclyde Police had received information the IP address linked to Condie’s computer was downloading indecent photographs of children.

Sheriff Ray Small deferred sentencing for reports and ordered Condie to be put on the Sex Offenders’ Register.