Call to find solutions to workforce of the future challenge

Do you have an idea that could shape the future social service workforce?  The SSSC and the Institute for Innovation and Research in Social Services (IRISS) are working together to develop new solutions to the challenges facing the sector’s workforce. And your idea could become a reality if you get involved in the Workforce of the future challenge.

What is the Workforce of the Future Challenge all about?

Planning a workforce for the future is essential. Employers are often too caught up in immediate challenges to focus on the longer term but if we are to make sure that the right learning and development opportunities are available and the right types of people are coming into the workforce, we must start planning now.

In June we held a ‘problem Pow-wow’ workshop involving about 60 people from social services, other professions and people with an interest in this sector.  The output of this collaborative process was 10 agreed routes for innovation that we called ‘Interesting Questions’ and we picked four of these questions to become the big challenges that would to go into the next stage of our ideas and innovation process.

The challenges

How can we demonstrate the difference that social services make? What can social service workers do to better involve communities to prevent problems, and find solutions? How do we equip social service workers to provide truly person-centred services?  What can be done to work collaboratively with other professions without losing the unique contribution that social services bring?

We’ve created an online and interactive ideas platform where you can discuss the challenges, submit ideas to help solve them and vote for favourite ideas.

No idea is too small or too big

These challenges are big – but don’t let that put you off.  Lots of small solutions can make a difference so don’t think you have to come up with one idea that will solve everything.

All you need to do is click on the link and sign up to get started.

I’ve submitted, commented, voted…now what?

From the ideas you submit, we will select those that get the most feedback and positive comment and those ideas that meet the judging criteria in relation to being productive, practical and/or pioneering.

Then we will invite 100 people who’ve taken part in the online innovation to the next stage which is a two day innovation camp on 17-18 September in Edinburgh. There will also be other ways for people to become part of the event in the September. The event is free to all those invited.

From ideas to reality

Later in the year prototypes and ideas will be pitched to decision makers in organisations where they will be asked to adopt an idea and try it out.

This is a real opportunity to get involved and shape the future.  The SSSC and IRISS will be keeping you up-to-date with the progress over the next few months.