MSP calls on Scottish Government to guarantee funding for social care changes
AN umbrella group for Scottish councils is facing criticism from Holyrood after claiming there is a multi-million funding gap in plans to allow people control over their own care.
Duncan McNeil MSP, convener of Holyrood’s Health and Sport Committee, said it was unclear whether Cosla’s estimate for the cost impact of the Social Care (Self-directed Support) Bill is real or imaginary.
He said: “Our committee supports the principle that people should have the choice as to how their social care is provided.
“However, this legislation requires fundamental changes within local authorities to deliver this.
“Our committee is calling for confirmation from the Scottish Government that sufficient funding will be in place.
“However, it is completely unacceptable that the committee has not been able to determine if the funding gap identified by Cosla is real or imaginary.
“It is vital for witnesses to be able to substantiate assertions made in evidence to this parliament.”
The Bill aims to give adults and children, including carers, more choice and control of how their needs are met, including through direct payments from the local authority.