Dumfries and Galloway social services cuts ‘on target’
Dumfries and Galloway Council’s social work department is on course to meet a savings target of nearly £3m this financial year.
The figure represents its share of spending reductions agreed by the local authority earlier this year.
A report to councillors said five out of six areas were on course to meet targets or had already achieved them.
However, a shortfall of £164,000 on staff costs will have to be met by further voluntary redundancies.
The south west Scotland authority agreed significant cuts across all departments for the financial year 2011/12.
The total identified for social services was a little more than £2.8m.
A target for reducing expenditure on agency placements and bought-in services has already been met.
Property, home care and client charge goals are all expected to be achieved by the end of the financial year.
Only a staffing costs target is giving cause for concern but the report said work was ongoing to “identify further voluntary severance”.