Argyll and Bute’s foster caring strategy is working
ARGYLL and Bute’s foster care strategy is working. Since the scheme was introduced in 2008, the number of foster carers has increased dramatically.
There are now 54 temporary foster carers in the area, compared with 32 just two years ago within the local authority area – which covers Helensburgh and Lomond.
Argyll and Bute Council’s social services spokesman, Donald McIntosh, said: “The fact that we now have so many more foster carers on our books than we had a couple of years ago means there are more options when we are looking at the most suitable care arrangements for individual children and young people.
“We expect to see the proportion of looked after and accommodated children and young people in foster care continue to rise over the next few years.
“So more of them will benefit from living in a family setting, and receiving the particular kind of care and support which that brings.”